Sunday, December 6, 2015

Raspberry Pi 2 Model B GPIO 40 Pin Block Pinout

Raspberry Pi 2, Node.js, Ultrasonic Sensor

Note: This Post is based on The post here in this link is based on Old Raspberry Pi. which does not work well with Raspberry Pi 2.

Here is the solution:

Components needed

  1. 1 – Raspberry pi B+
  2. 1 – Breadboard
  3. 1 – 1K Ohm resistor
  4. 1 – HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor
  5. 4 – Jumper wires

Understanding HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

HC-SR04 sensor works with a power of 5v. It has a range of approximately 2cm to 4m. It outputs a frequency of 40khz, twice the human ear can hear. (more info on the sensor here)

As you can see from the above diagram, the HC-SR04 sensor has 4 pins.
  1. VCC  : +5v power supply
  2. Trigger : A high input to this pin for a duration of 10 micro seconds, activates the sensor
  3. Echo : This pin returns the time taken for the transmitted signal to come back after hitting an object.
  4. Ground : Connected to the ground

Setup HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

Screen Shot 2014-11-21 at 7.31.26 pm
As you can see from the above diagram, we will connect the VCC pin of the sensor to +5v and GND to GND. We will connect the Trigger pin to GPIO pin 17 and finally we will connect a 1K Ohm resistor between the Echo pin and GPIO pin 18.

The Echo pin outputs a 5V output, which will damage the GPIO pin, if interfaced directly. This is why we connect a 1K Ohm resistor between the Echo and GPIO pin 18.

Node.js Program

Login to your pi via ssh – terminal/putty. As soon as you ssh into pi, you will be landing inside the /home/pi folder. We will create a new folder here named node_programs. And inside this folder, we will be maintaining all our programs. Run

mkdir node_programs
To step inside that folder, run
cd node_programs
For this post, we will create a new folder named ultraSonicSensor and will step inside this folder. Run
mkdir ultraSonicSensor && cd ultraSonicSensor
Note : You can run multiple commands separated by a &&.
First we will initialize a new node project here. Run
npm init
Fill it up as applicable.
Now we will install a node module named 'r-pi-usonic' to interact with the Ultrasonic sensor. Run
npm install r-pi-usonic --save

Now we will install a node module named 'readline'. Run
npm install readline --save

Now we will install a node module named 'math-statistics' to interact with the Ultrasonic sensor. Run
npm install math-statistics --save

Next, we will create a new file named sense.js. And we will open the same in the nano editor. Run
nano sense.js
Paste the below code into the nano editor (Filename: /home/pi/node_programs/ultraSonicSensor/sense.js)

'use strict';

var readline   = require('readline');
var statistics = require('math-statistics');
var usonic     = require('./node_modules/r-pi-usonic/lib/usonic.js');

var print = function (distances) {
    var distance = statistics.median(distances);


    if (distance < 0) {
        process.stdout.write('Error: Measurement timeout.\n');
    } else {
        process.stdout.write('Distance: ' + distance.toFixed(2) + ' cm');

var initSensor = function (config) {
    var sensor = usonic.createSensor(config.echoPin, config.triggerPin, config.timeout);

    console.log('Config: ' + JSON.stringify(config));

    var distances;

    (function measure() {
        if (!distances || distances.length === config.rate) {
            if (distances) {

            distances = [];

        setTimeout(function () {

        }, config.delay);

Run this program now:

sudo node surveyor.js